sábado, 31 de mayo de 2008

Sherlock Holmes

Esta es una foto de la foto que saqué en la entrada de la casa de Sherlock Holmes (Baker Street 221 b, Marylebone, Londres) Lástima que no tenía cámara digital en esa época ... ni tengo scanner ahora... igual algo se ve :o)

Esta otra foto la saqué desde la catedral Saint Paul (donde se casó Lady Di jajaja). La calidad quedó medio trucha porq también es una foto de una foto, pero se puede ver la ciudad y el Támesis bastante bien, porque tuve que subir 530 escalones para llegar a esa altura!!!

3 comentarios:

Vicki dijo...

I didn't know that he had retired...obviosly I don't know much about him, do I? I was in London in the summer of 2001. We saw 'The King and I' and 'Les Miserables'. Did you go on the London Eye? Great view of the city from there!

Vicki dijo...

My second son is a doctor of psychology. He does research in the area of autism. It is very interesting. My oldest son is a high school teacher of economics and my yougest a daughter, is a nurse working in the Domincan Republic for a mission group called Kids Alive. Are you studying psychology for your career?

Vicki dijo...

The same here, you don't have to become a doctor, but he wanted to go that far. You should check the link on my blog that takes you to the C.A.R.D. site where he works. It is very interesting, even for me. His name is Dennis Dixon, and there are links to other information at the side of his bio page. Buena suerte con tus estudios!