jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2008

"La Navidad"

3 comentarios:

Vicki dijo...

That little video is so cute! Today is my daughter's last day at home, so we have a ton to do. She needs to buy a few things for her wedding before she heads back to the Dominican Republic. Tomorrow she will leave at 6am, so I know I will be sad and so I am going to update my blog and do things like that to keep myself busy so I don't miss her so much. The snow is almost gone now, I will send pictures.

anDy... dijo...

Yes, pictures! pictures!
My boyfriend made that video for me... I like it too :oD
As you said, I think that you should try to do a lot of things, I usually try to do that when I miss someone!! She is getting married in february, doesn't she?

Romina dijo...

jajajaj... buenísimo el corto!