sábado, 12 de julio de 2008

All you need is love... tara ta ta ta ta... all you need is love

"El que ama, se hace humilde. Aquellos que aman, por decirlo de alguna manera, renuncian a una parte de su narcisismo" (Sigmund Freud)
Yo vengo renunciando al narcisismo desde que te conocí y quiero seguir haciéndolo!!

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Yo tambien pussy, te amo!!!

Vicki dijo...

I LOVE that FOTO!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is sooooo romatico!!!!

A smore is a special treat we make when we go camping. It is a graham cracker (kinda sweet type of cracker, not cookie) set it near the firethen you put on a little piece of chocolate to melt while you toast a marshmallow on a stick. Then you put the toasted marshmallow on top of the chocolate and then top it with another graham cracker. It is so good, but only when you are outside by a fire. I tried to make them once in the house and it as just boring.